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loading facility中文是什么意思

用"loading facility"造句"loading facility"怎么读"loading facility" in a sentence


  • 装货设施
  • 装油设施


  • Transfer lines from new above ground storage tank facilities , under the runways to a new truck loading facility
  • Safety of machinery - safety requirements for the design and construction of paper making and finishing machines - part 4 : pulpers and their loading facilities
  • Safety of machinery - safety requirements for the design and construction of paper making and finishing machines - part 4 : pulpers and their loading facilities ; german version en 1034 - 4 : 2005
  • Simple applications can use the java platform s built - in class loading facility to load their classes ; more complex applications tend to define their own custom class loaders
  • The problem of noise is a chief block to restrict the popularity and developement of the plc because of the irregularity of power line network , the randomness of transmission distrance and load facility diversities
用"loading facility"造句  
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